Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stop motion from YouTube. It's cool

Monday, June 8, 2009

stop Motion Part 3 H

After changing the size of my images. I opened the animation window and started the process. Each images has .02 second and it loops. After I added all the images on the animation window previewed it and render it and saved it. Then I opened my SoundBooth Cs4 application and opened my Letter H movie and added a sound for the movie.

This is my Letter H stop motion movie file with sound.

stop Motion Part 2 H

Here are more screenshots of my images that I used to compose my Letter H movie.

Stop Motion Part 1 H

Here are the steps I did in creating my stop motion movie. Using yellow and green toothpicks. After taking multiple shots I opened all my images on Photoshop CS4 then I changed the size of each images by changing the resolution to 72.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Heraldic Logo

Here is my Final Logo. I might need to go back in and add more stuff.

heraldic logo part 4

Still adding colors and duplicating a certain image.

Heraldic logo part 3

-- After adding color and changing the sizes I started putting all my componets for my logo.

Heraldic logo part 2

-- After Scanning my drawings... and using threshold and adding color.

Heraldic logo part 1 Scanning...

Here are the stuff I drew and scanned them to use on my logo.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Heraldry more...

--showing ways to divide the sheild




--Mantle samples

Heraldry Information

--Heraldry has been defined as the art of blazoning, assigning, and marshalling a coat of arms. Its origins are uncertain, but Sir Bernard Burke, Ulster King of Arms, has drawn his own conclusion: “[T]he registry of its birth may be found among the archives of the Holy Wars, ...its cradle was rocked by the soldiers of the Cross, and... its maturity was attained in the chivalrous age of Feudalism.”

Between 1135 and 1155 A.D., seals show the general adoption of heraldic devices in Europe. Historians once theorized that a coat of arms enabled a knight to be recognized by his followers during battle. The coat of arms became hereditary just as a knight inherited the right to lead or the duty to follow another leader in battle.

--Here are some color samples.

--here are some symbols that can be part of the logo

--some sample of shields.

cryptozoology Composite pt2

-- After attaching all the parts and changing the sizes to work with my image. This is my final cryptozoology composition.

-- using the Path and channel I was able to select parts of the animals such as the head of the fox, the tusks from the elephant and the wings of the eagle. I was able to create my own version of an animal. I also adjust the exposure and the vibrance of each image.

Cryptozoology Composite

These are the images that I will be using to compose my very own animal.

Other Version

--This is another version I did using a poloroid style.

--This is my final revision of my own version of David Hockney style.